Our Little Work Pet

This is our little pet fish at work–a nice dark blue and red colored Betta fish. He started out in our workplace as a Christmas white-elephant gift exchange which now graces our front office and keeps us sane, hahaha.


Many facts I learned about this little fish. It originated in Southeast Asia in countries like Cambodia, Vietnam, Laos, Thailand living in shallow rice paddies, therefore, it can thrive in a little aquarium. It still likes to have places to hide itself in, ie. water plants, and it likes to be by itself. It is also called a Siamese Fighting Fish and was once prized by the King of Siam (now Thailand) where owning these fish once required licensing. The males are more vibrant and more attractive than the females. In the wild, the males’ fins are shorter making them less of a prey so you know it’s been bred for captivity if their fins are long and beautiful.

Interestingly, I found out that it is on high alert and in fighting mode if it starts fanning its fins more and, I guess, also when it’s blowing its face bigger. Hahaha, whenever I come very close to our fish bowl or place my face on top of his bowl and whistle I thought it just liked me since it does the above. I always thought he finds my company a delight only to know he is on high guard 😔😓…

Oh well, hahaha…something new added to my learning! 👍

ALSO…They can live from 2 to 4 years in captivity but it has been known to live up to 10 years. 😏…hmmm…perhaps I should release it back into the wild??? By the way, have you heard or seen the Black Fish documentary? Pretty interesting…

Anyway, more info about this beautiful fish here !

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